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When he wiped over his socks he would never do more than wipe the tops - Muwatta Malik

Muwatta Malik | (Hadith: When he wiped over his socks he would never do more than wipe the tops )

75- عن مالك، عن هشام بن عروة، أنه رأى أباه «يمسح على الخفين».
قال: وكان لا يزيد إذا مسح على الخفين، على أن يمسح ظهورهما، ولا يمسح بطونهما

Translate Hadith in English

Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that he saw his father wiping over his leather socks. He said, "When he wiped over his socks he would never do more than wipe the tops and he would not wipe the bottoms

Salim al-Hilali said: Hadith Maqtu Sahih

Hadith meaning in Urdu

ہشام بن عروہ سے روایت ہے کہ انہوں نے اپنے باپ کو دیکھا جب مسح کرتے موزوں پر تو مسح کرتے موزوں کی پشت پر نہ کہ اندر کی جانب۔

Translate Hadith in Turkish

Hişam b. Urve derki: Babamı, mestlerin üzerine mesh ederken gördüm, mestlerinin üzerini mesh ediyordu, içini mesh etmiyordu. Bu Hadis Sadece Muvatta'da var

Translate Hadith in Indonesia

Telah menceritakan kepadaku dari Malik dari [Hisyam bin Urwah], bahwa dia melihat [bapaknya] mengusap dua khufnya. Kemudian Hisyam berkata; "Dia tidak melebihkan ketika membasuh keduanya, dia hanya membasuh bagian atasnya dan membiarkan bagian bawahnya